*4D live wallpaper, HD Wallpaper, avatar, theme beautification, background map, business card and mood map are available here as long as you want
*Lots of wallpaper*
Theme wallpaper, 4D live wallpaper, simple text wallpaper, adorable wallpaper, set of pictures, Jiugong geqitu
*Personality Avatar*
Tiktok in, fairy idol, bestie, boy's head, love bean head, surname head, cartoon head, voice and super fire head.
*Background picture*
Split chat background map, movie line background map, abstract circle of friends cover map, simple white background text map. Make every chat a real pleasure
*Signature network name*
Collect classic mood snippets for everyone to change their personal signatures every day
*Selected mood chart*
Text mood map, interpret mood, find the mood map and the words you want to express your mood